Monday, June 30, 2008

Shows, Signings avec le Males & Art progress Report....loooong title....

Ok! a little dancing elf that I'm workin' on -
she'll be ready for a Show my sister and I are having:
July 10th 5-7 pm
231 W Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91502-1825.
(818) 736-3000

The wonderful 'Don' will let you in the parking garage behing the studio.. or park on the street if your prefer and 'get buzzed' in the front door under the giant orange foot... Should be loads, for all us folks who are laid off at the moment... he he he -

Counterweight- 'the art and concepts of Rick O'Brien',
my squeeze- will be having a a book signing at the Nucleus Gallery!
Saturday, July 19th 7-11pm
check out Ricks blog
for more info & beautiful paintings & Ink drawings--- please join us!

Yes Indeed it is the attack of Man - Pete Metzger, my bro- in -law has a FREE show comin' up at the House of Blues.... get more info here, and support junkie puppets. It's the law.

Ahhh... and that damn cover of the Paper Doll book again... "yeah, sure you're done w/ it lady" he he he, well, I AM. I just finished graphic designing it - and cleaning up the gals - It should be out later than sooner- he he he- I'll keep you posted, but go to the Nickelodeon show and I'll be a showing a few sets there, and a few peeks at Comic-Con... It really was fun to do, and it's about the stupidest, dumb fun book I've done... 1 out of 2 being dumb ain't bad...more fairies and random art peices in progress....

Ciao! & hope to see you at one of the events----


Friday, June 20, 2008

Orphan Works Bill...

Ahhh I know, no artwork--- so sorry!,
but the gov' is acting up again!
Please review The Oprphan works Bill... they are pushing real hard and quick to move it through.. If you are too busy to write a letter - below is a link to sign a petition if you are so inclined....

A Million People Against the Orphan WorksBill
The petition is now the 7th most active on
Remember: you don't have to be an artist, photographer or performer to be threatened by this bill. Anything you've ever posted on the internet would be exposed to commercial infringement unless you've registered it with a couple of large corporate databases. These databases would then control access to your intellectual property.That threatens the passive copyright protection all citizens now take for granted. And that threatens our personal property, freedom of speech and the right to privacy embodied in copyright law. For more information about Orphan Works, go to the IPA Orphan Works Resource Page for Artists
to write letters to congress via email:

Thanks guys!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

Pop Santa Fe

Thanks to all who made it out to Santa Fe, NM for the Pop Femme show!
Here's some pictures of the jaunt.....