Friday, May 03, 2013

NEW Art & Showcase @ POP / and Thoughts.....


So Yes, I had to fall off the end of the Earth for a spell,
but 'm in a fabulous show this month of May at The POP Gallery in Santa Fe!
I'll be attending the reception on the 25th... and hope to see you there!

 Who knows, if you get me drunk enough- I may even start drawin' live!

      Some why Dia De Los Muertos so early? Well it's pretty much always Day of the Dead in Santa Fe , New Mexico! ;) But as we all know, Life takes bizarro turns....and this particular art piece helped me get out some major demons...
I didn't want to share the chaos that's been happening in mine and Ricks life the past half a year, as to not focus on negative vibes.... but as we come out of the deep dark forest of Cray Cray, the complete enema of the mind, body & home studio is showing it's positive teeth.

      Sadly in December we lost Rick's Grandma-- Our Alice. Losing G-ma was out of the blue, and we thought we'd get to see her again. The holidays came and went, we looked through old pictures of her with shot guns and awesome 60's hair do's, thick rimmed glasses... you know, those old orange-colored photographs that we all love. It was a bitter sweet season...filled with love and loss. We'll miss you so much Alice.

     Through the healing up, ideas brewing for the year, feeling inspired, and ready to crack into the new year after winters sadness.... February happened. Our back shop for mold making and sculpture came under attack by LA city. Crappily, a neighbor reported us and we had to tear it down due to the fact that there are SO many permits in the city of LA, we couldn't swing the cost to keep in time with compliance date. Either pay out thousands, or knock it down, were our only choices. The sounds of hammers and drills and torn wood filled my soul for months, the paperwork and penalty fees which seemed never ending finally is coming to an end. In light of what happened, we had had to downsize, but the positives are definitely here. I've found them, in that pile of crap behind my easel. ;)The Phoenix in my heart is rising, the debris is clearing, and I'm so thankful to have such a gorgeous place create my work, even though we lost part of it. My awesome family and friends who support my crazy whims, and radical collectors who support my art habit no matter how elaborate I get, I thank you. But most of all, my husband and friend, Rick.

     My art, my mind, and little heart and soul.... thank each and every one of you that have made the last 15, yes, 15 years of my art escapes amazing! I've been in countless comic conventions, published books, made toys, curated shows, live painted, designed animated cartoons for countless studios.... It's been such a ride. A hard, easy and insanely tricky ride... always changing. nimble man. It keeps you nimble. Being able to make a living off my artwork all these years is a total blessing from the fairy gods ( Not to mention sweat and tears) Again, loving and losing... I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I'm happy you're with me for the next plateau of art making madness and growth. Sending ya'll creativity, and like my husband always says... FORTITUDE.
