Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Artist In Residence... October at WonderGround Gallery!

Every friday and Sat. starting the 7th of October, I'll be painting live at The WonderGround Gallery in Downtown Disney. A fun new Disney gallery that embraces unique twists on their timeless characters. I started being featured here back when the gallery opened over 4 years ago... time flies! I was the second artist to have my residency in this gorgeous space, and it's been quite a thrill to showcase my new works here every year. Hope you come visit me in the fish bowl! ~MM
As you can see I don't post here as much anymore, and this Blog has become... THE BACK LOG BLOG for all my past projects.... but hey, you never know when I might feel the bite to start this up again!
I'm on tumblr too, and oh god... so many other social media sites... like tumblr and such. But this was a big deal when I started it up waaaay back when! Yes indeed... when posting every week was such a 'big deal' ;) ha ha.... Keep creating!  ;) xoxo MM

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